
By Alexandra Demeure 22 July 2021 In France news

France // Post-Brexit statuses: extension of deadline to apply

Initially open until July 1, 2021 (read or re-read our dedicated article), the platform for submitting post-Brexit status applications will remain functional until September 30, 2021. British nationals residing in France before December 31, 2020 (or their families who joined them before July 1) whom have not been able to apply for a residence permit are therefore granted an additional period to submit the application.


This extension has been granted by many European countries in order to provide the best possible transition for British citizens overseas. It should be noted, however, that it will be compulsory to hold the residence permit from October 1, so a late application in September will undoubtedly cause an uncomfortable situation until the status is granted.


It is therefore recommended to submit post-Brexit applications as soon as possible in order to guarantee a smooth stay in France and easy entries into the territory.


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