At the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020, approximately 400,000 UK nationals were residing in France on the basis of free movement of persons within the EU. In terms of immigration, the Brexit negotiations protected their rights to remain in the country with their family, be it EU or non-EU.
However, these UK citizens whom where residing in France prior to 1 January 2021 will be required to hold a residence card under the “withdrawal agreement” statuses as of 1 October 2021. Deadline to apply for same is approaching as the official platform will only be available here until 1 July 2021. Failure to apply on time will need to be justified by special circumstances, or the applicant will be denied the right to be considered under the Brexit regulations.
,This also applies to dependents of UK citizens (of UK or other non-EU nationality), with the following criteria:
- Family does not need to prove residence in France on 31 December 2020. They can arrive up until 1 July 2021, as long as the UK citizen they are tied to arrived prior to this year;
- Family is here defined in a wider way than traditionally: parents of UK citizens, parents of spouse of UK citizens and major children are included.
Some categories such as the cross-border workers of UK nationality whom started commuting prior to 31 December 2020 shall also apply for their Circulation Document before 1 July, with the prefecture covering the employment location.
In light of the fast-approaching deadline, we recommend that any UK citizen or employer of UK citizens in France double-checks that applications have been filed properly with the authorities.
Any questions? Contact us on or via our LinkedIn page!